
    The Asheville Board of Education consists of seven (7) members.    

    Board Members: 

    George Sieburg, Board Chair

    Amy Ray, Vice Chair

    Sarah Thornburg

    Jesse Warren

    Liza Kelly

    Rebecca Strimer

    James Carter

    Board Meetings Dates and Locations

    Meetings of the Board of Education will be held on the first and second Monday of each month.  Typically, the first Monday will be a Work Session, and the second will be a Regular Meeting in which public comment will be taken.  The schedule of board meetings is established and published prior to the beginning of each school year. Copies of the school year meeting schedule are also available at the Central Administration Offices, 85 Mountain Street, Asheville, NC.

    The regular meetings are held at the Asheville City Schools Administrative Offices Board Room.  

    The Board of Education may call additional/special meetings as needed.


    The Board does not conduct work sessions during July and has no regular meetings during the months of July and January.

    Unless otherwise announced.

    Board Meeting Times

    Both Work Sessions and Regular Meetings will begin at 5:00 PM. 

    Public Comment

    The public is encouraged to make its views known to the board during the public comment section of the regular meeting agenda. Upon arrival and prior to the meeting, individuals who wish to make a public comment should sign-up via the public comment sheet, which is located in the Board Room. 

    Request to place an item on the agenda

    Citizens desiring an item to be placed on the agenda for a specific Board meeting should direct written requests to the Superintendent at least one week prior to the meeting.

    Board Member Email Addresses


    Any questions or concerns regarding the Board policy, meeting agenda, and minutes, please contact the Superintendent's office at (828) 350-6145.