• Self-Care for Staff.  Making It More Than Just a Buzzword.

    Grace. Grounding. Gratitude.

    When we reflect on both the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 school years,  we can’t help but be awed at how hard our staff worked to ensure successful learning occurred for both our in-person and remote students; they were truly superheroes in the classroom.

    But, in the quest to be the constant encourager for our students and their families, did your own wellness fall lower on the priority list? 

    No matter the leadership role, it requires us to be balanced to be effective.  Self-care and others' care must be balanced if we plan a marathon rather than a sprint career.

    This is why we’re excited to launch our new commitment to staff wellness called Grace. Grounding. Gratitude. 

    Throughout the 2021-2022 school year, Asheville City Schools will share wellness tips as well as create a virtual staff resource hub. 

    However, please know that the information we provided is not a substitute for professional advice. If you feel that you may need medical advice, please consult a qualified health care professional.