• Ms. Moore's 1st Grade

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  • Class Newslettter

    Posted by B. Moore on 11/3/2016 1:06:38 PM

    Dear Parents,October 28, 2016

    We had a busy week. We went on two field trips,had  two birthday celebrations, and we met with our third grade reading buddies to play Worm Bin Bingo. Your children are first grade scientists.

    Monday, October 31 is an early release day. Please send a note to let me know how your child will get home. We will have a Halloween party in our class on Monday. Students may bring their costumes and change into them before the party. Costumes need to be appropriate for school. We will have a special snack and activities. Thank you to the parents who are organizing this.

    Reading for Next Week

    Story A Fox and a Kit

    Amazing Words for Oral Vocabulary

    observe, wild, screech, reserve, parent, canopy, million, native

    High Frequency Words

    eat, her, five, this, four, too

    Phonics  - inflected endings -s and -ing

    wags, sips, sees, packs, gets, nods, fits, yaps, picks, digs

    picking, locking, seeing, packing, looking, going, doing

    Comprehension Skill Main Idea and Details

    Please practice the word lists, sentences, and decodable books until your child is snappy. Reading folders are due Thursday. Thanks for all you do for our class. Snack next week will be provided by Tanner.

    Beth Moore

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  • Friday, November 4

    Posted by B. Moore on 11/3/2016 1:50:07 PM

    Dear Parents,November 4, 2016

    Tuesday, Nov. 8 and Friday, Nov. 11  - No School

    This week we will start our first Inquiry Project. Students have chosen an animal they will research. We have collected books, learned to use websites, learned how to stop, think, and react to new information, and how to keep projects organized. We continue to read about wild and tame animals. Ms Crystal is providing support as we learn to use resources to answer questions and learn more about our animals.

    In math, we continue our unit on shapes. Students are describing and sorting shapes. Vocabulary to reinforce at home: straight, curved, sort, square, triangle, corners, vertices, quadrilateral, rectangle, trapezoid, rhombus.

    Students are writing personal narratives. They are using a graphic organizer to plan a beginning, middle, and end. Students enjoy sharing their writing with the class.

    We will meet with our third grade reading buddies every Thursday afternoon.

    Reading for Next Week

    Story Get the Egg

    Amazing Words for Oral Vocabulary

    habitat, survive croak, hatch, chirp, moist

    High Frequency Words

    saw, tree, small, your


    Short e words - men, ten, jet, bed, red, net, sled, step, leg, wet

    Initial Consonant Blends - crop, flick,smell, stick, brag, drill, glad, fret, grin, spell, block

    Comprehension Skill Main Idea and Details and Story Structure

    Please practice the word lists, sentences, and decodable books until your child is snappy. Reading folders are due Thursday. Thanks for all you do for our class. Snack next week will be provided by Stella. Please check the snack sign up sheet. We need people to sign up for the end of this month and the beginning of Dec.


    Beth Moore

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  • November 10

    Posted by B. Moore on 11/10/2016 1:19:21 PM

    Dear Parents,November 10, 2016

    Friday, Nov. 11  - No School

    Wednesday, Nov. 16 - Thanksgiving Meal in the Cafeteria. Please me know if you are coming.

    Monday, Nov. 21 Field Trip to the Farmers’ Market - Chaperones needed

    Thanksgiving Break Nov. 23,24,25

    This week we worked on  our first Inquiry Project. We practiced looking at images and describing what we see. We learned you can get information about animals from the words and the pictures. Students are sketching and taking notes.

    In math, we continue our unit on shapes. Students are describing and sorting shapes. Vocabulary to reinforce at home: straight, curved, sort, square, triangle, corners, vertices, quadrilateral, rectangle, trapezoid, rhombus.

    In writing, we are working on capital letters at the beginning of sentences and for names. We read about Veterans’ Day and played games about using capital letters.

    We will meet with our third grade reading buddies every Thursday afternoon.

    Reading for Next Week

    Story Animal Park

    Amazing Words for Oral Vocabulary

    desert, world, silent, medicine, forest, chatter, snort, poisonous

    High Frequency Words

    home, them, into, many


    Short u words and final consonant blends

    crust, must, trust, lump, bump, just, dusk, jump, dust, hunt

    Comprehension Skill Cause and Effect

    Please practice the word lists, sentences, and decodable books until your child is snappy. Reading folders are due Thursday. Thanks for all you do for our class. Snack next week will be provided by Ashley. Please check the snack sign up sheet. We need people to sign up for Dec. 12 and Jan. 9.


    Beth Moore

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  • Newsletter 12/2/16

    Posted by B. Moore on 12/2/2016 4:33:54 PM

    Dear Parents, 12/2/16

    I am listening to the rain as I write this newsletter. I am thankful for the rain and for the privilege of spending my days with your children. We have built a supportive classroom community and it is rewarding to watch them take care of each other in many ways.  

    In math we are working on subtracting one number from another, with starting amounts of up to 12. We are developing counting back as a strategy for subtracting two numbers. We continue to work on addition and writing equations.

    In Social Studies we are studying communities, customs, and celebrations. Students may bring in books about holidays you celebrate to share with the class.

    We have a field trip to the Grove Park Inn to see the gingerbread houses on Monday, December 19. Please return your permission slips.

    Snack next week will be provided by Rose. Thank you all for the delicious snacks.


    Story  The Farmer in the Hat

    Amazing Words for Oral Vocabulary

    Group, share, borrow, rehearsal, respect, aquarium, lines, soothe

    High Frequency Words

    be, of, could, old, horse, paper


    consonants-  c making the s sound, and g making the j sound and long a sound in words

    cell, face, race, trace, stage, lace,cage, place, ace, wage, space, gent

    safe, name, made, make, cake, take, late

    Comprehension Skill

    Cause and effect

    PTO News

    The PTO formed a sub-committee to research the rubber mulch used on our playgrounds. You may find some of the research at the following site http://www.idespto.org/?page_id=152

    The PTO is asking the ACS Board to replace the rubber mulch with a safe alternative. Please come to theACS Board Meeting on Rubber Mulch on Monday, Dec. 5 at 6:30 PM  in the Isaac Dickson Auditorium/Gym. We need parents to come and show we all care!  

    *Childcare provided for school-aged children.


    Beth Moore

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  • Newsletter 12/16/16

    Posted by B. Moore on 12/16/2016 1:31:38 PM

    Dear Parents, December 16.2016

    Important Dates

    Monday, December 19 Field Trip to Grove Park Inn

    Tuesday, December 20 Pajama Day

    Students may wear PJ’s, bring pillows and blankets and board games

    December 21-January 2 Winter Holiday NO SCHOOL

    If you have an upcoming kindergarten child that is interested in attending Isaac Dickson kindergarten, please let Amy Kett in the office know.

    Read, read, read, read over the holidays. If you need books, let me know and I will send home extra books for the holidays. Mrs. K has a reading challenge for students. I will put the reading log from Mrs. K in reading folders.

    Want to connect with the Isaac Dickson Community? Like us on Facebook! Liking the Community Facebook page is an easy way to find out what is going on campus and get plugged in. It is loaded with great posts about activities in the classroom and how to connect with volunteer opportunities. Please take a minute to like us, share the page and connect with your community. Thanks!


              Happy Holidays

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  • December 20, 2016

    Posted by B. Moore on 12/20/2016 12:40:05 PM

    Dear Parents,12/20/16

    It has been a joy to spend the days leading up to the holidays with your children. We had a magical field trip to The Grove Park Inn. We are watching the Polar Express and working on social skills as we play favorite board games. Students are sharing with their friends and practicing explaining directions. Have a wonderful winter break from Dec. 21- Jan. 2. Remember to read. I am putting a reading challenge log from Ms K in reading folders. You may use this over the holidays or use our class reading log. I am also putting some math practice sheets in the reading folder.

    Cooper will provide snack the week we return. A special thank you to Cooper and Caroline for taking care of Sandy, our hamster, over the break. If your child wants to take Sandy home over the weekend, just let me know.  


    Story  The Big Circle

    Amazing Words for Oral Vocabulary

    enemy, protect, holler, bluff, extinct, crater, swamp, boisterous

    High Frequency Words

    down, inside, now, there, together


    Long o sound - home, woke, hose, stone, hope, those, joke, rose, bone, rode

    Contractions - isn’t, I’m, they’ll, can’t, hadn’t, you’ll, aren’t, he’ll, I’ll, couldn’t

    Comprehension Skill

    Sequence and inferring

    Happy Holidays,

    Mrs. Moore & Ms. Jen

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  • January 6, 2017

    Posted by B. Moore on 1/6/2017 1:39:07 PM

    Dear Parents,1-6-17

    This week we started our group inquiry projects. We are all studying dinosaurs. Students are divided into groups of four or five. They are learning how to work cooperatively in a group. Ms Hendrix is working with us. Learning to disagree agreeably and providing kind, specific, and useful information to our peers are goals of this unit. Look for dinosaur posters in the hall next week. Our next inquiry project is student choice. Students are beginning to brainstorm topics they would like to investigate.

    Please help your child with their reading folders if they are not “snappy”. If you would like to meet with me concerning providing support for homework, please call to schedule a time we can meet with your child after school. Students are eager to choose new books each morning. Keep up the good work with reading at home. Remember, Raz Kids, a computer based reading program, is available on devices at home. I sent home instructions this week. If you need more information, let me know.


    Story  Life in the Forest

    Amazing Words for Oral Vocabulary

    environment, thrive, slimy, capture, require, inhale, sludge, creature

    High Frequency Words

    around, find, food, grow, under, water


    Long u sound - huge, tube, cute, mule, June, use, flute, rule, cube, rude

    Inflected ending -ed - rushed, lasted, printed, wished, checked, sniffed, handed, called, trusted, smelled

    Comprehension Skill

    Author’s purpose, background knowledge, fluency

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  • January 13, 2017

    Posted by B. Moore on 1/27/2017 7:38:24 AM


    Dear Parents,1-13-17

    We had a busy three days after being out for the snow. Students continue to work in their inquiry groups finding facts and asking questions about dinosaurs. Check out the board outside our classroom for some dynamite dinosaur posters. Notecards with facts will be added next week.

    In math, we are working on writing equations for a given number using standard notation. Students are using numbers, pictures, words, and equations to solve word problems with multiple addends. Continue practice counting to 120 forward and backward, beginning at any number.


    Story  Honey Bees

    Amazing Words for Oral Vocabulary

    Individual, special, slither, eagerly, industrious, creep, romp, wander

    High Frequency Words

    also, other, family, some, new, their


    Long e sound - feet, we, she, be, he, green, tree, see, me week,

    Syllables VC/CV - into, inside, traffic, mitten, fifteen, puppet, kitten, insect, napkin, until, attic

    Comprehension Skill

    Compare and contrast, questioning

    Your children may choose to do the weekly challenge from AIG teacher Mrs. M.They can find the weekly challenges at http://rogemk8.wixsite.com/k2nurture . Mrs. M says, “It is so fun to get their submissions!” Try it out. They are working on idioms. We will continue studying idioms in class.

    Mrs. Moore and Ms. Jen

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  • January 20, 2017

    Posted by B. Moore on 1/27/2017 7:43:11 AM

    Monday, Jan. 23 - Early Release

    Dear Parents,1-20-17

    Students have completed their dinosaur inquiry projects. They practiced using sticky notes to stop, think, and react to information, and used highlighters to choose the facts they wanted to include on their posters. Next week we will make oral presentations. Each group will present their poster and facts to the class.

    In math, we continue to work on addition to 20. Each day we work on “Today’s Number”. Students write equivalent equations for the given number. We have done 7,8,9,10,12. You can practice this at home. Use objects for counting and dividing into groups, and write equations. See handout “Related Activities to Try at Home”.

    In social studies, we studied communities of animals and insects. We read about ants, bees, dinosaurs, and people. This week we will begin a new reading book. We will read stories about change -  what is changing in our world. Stories in this unit will include Frog and Toad, a favorite in our class.

    Snack next week - Oliver.


    Story  A Place to Play

    Amazing Words for Oral Vocabulary

    growth,public, teeter, makeshift, population, shuffle, crooked, spindly

    High Frequency Words

    always, everything, things, become, nothing, day, stays


    Vowel sound y - by, try, sunny, handy, fly, cry, lucky, silly, puppy, my

    Syllables Pattern CV - me, so, he, hi, go, she, pro, me, hello, Jo, be, yoyo

    Comprehension Skill

    Sequence, Summarize

    Your children may choose to do the weekly challenge from AIG teacher Mrs. M.They can find the weekly challenges at http://rogemk8.wixsite.com/k2nurture . Mrs. M says, “It is so fun to get their submissions!” Try it out. They are working on idioms. We will continue studying idioms in class.

    Mrs. Moore and Ms. Jen

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  • January 27, 2017

    Posted by B. Moore on 1/27/2017 7:40:41 AM

    Dear Parents,1-27-17

    This week we started a new unit in Science. Students are investigating force and motion. Vocabulary: motion, force, gravity, push, pull, heavy, light, mass, direction, speed, friction.

    In math, students are working on counting strips, 120 number charts, using ten frames to show two digit numbers, reading and writing numbers to 120 and counting to 120 beginning at any number. They continue to solve word problems with two and three addends.

    In social studies we are reading about changes in our community and how animals and people change as they grow. Writing is taught across the curriculum. We will focus on persuasive writing.

    Snack next week will be provided by Tanner.


    Story  Ruby in Her Own Time

    Amazing Words for Oral Vocabulary

    attempt, timeline, flatter, lovely, event, famous, correct, common

    High Frequency Words

    any, every, were, enough, own, ever, sure


    Compound Words - sidewalk, flagpole, bathtub, beehive, lipstick, sandbox, weekend, sunblock, football

    Consonant patterns ng, nk - bring, bank, rink, sunk, trunk, sang, blank, pink, wing, rang

    Comprehension Skill

    Compare and Contrast, Inferring

    Your children may choose to do the weekly challenge from AIG teacher Mrs. M.They can find the weekly challenges at http://rogemk8.wixsite.com/k2nurture .

    Roller Skating Rink Field Trip

    We are pending approval- so this is not 100% confirmed. February 10, 2017- stay tuned for approval and the permission slip.

    Mrs. Moore and Ms. Jen

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