Isaac Dickson Elementary School
A Community of Engaged, Active, Hands-On Learners
- Isaac Dickson Elementary School
- Mr. Withrow's 3rd Grade
Mr. Withrow's 3rd Grade
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Mr. Withrow's 3rd Grade
Welcome to our class website! We are beginning to get ready for the school year.
While we sometimes have an unusual daily schedule, normally our schedule is as follows:
7:40: Come in, greet teacher, complete morning work.
8:05: Morning meeting.
8:15: Daily Specials
9:00: Math
10:00: Word Work (spelling, phonics, and cursive)
10:45: Writing
11:25: Lunch
12:00: Reading Workshop
1:00: Recess
1:30: Reading workshop (continued)
2:00: Science/Social Studies
2:30: Dismissal
Welcome to the new school year!
Posted by D. Withrow on 8/24/2017 9:58:10 AMWelcome, new third graders! We're all hard at work getting the school ready for the new year, and we're so excited! The year will begin with learning about class procedures, reintroducing routines for different subjects, and, most importantly, building a classroom community.
I look forward to seeing you all bright and early on Monday morning! -
October Studies
Posted by D. Withrow on 10/17/2017 3:45:27 PMOur third graders are finishing their first studies of the year, and we are moving into our second set of units. These include:
Reading: We have established norms for readers workshop, and students are meeting with their reading partners to discuss what they're reading. Now we are studying nonfiction: how can we determine the main idea of a text? How can we use nonfiction text features such as photographs, captions, maps, tables of content, and indices to understand our reading better? How can we draw conclusions from a text and use specific evidence to support our conclusions?
Writing: We will be studying persuasive writing. What is the difference between facts and opinions? How can a writer express an opinion clearly and specifically? How can opinions be supported with specific reasons and facts?
Math: We will study data and its representation. How can we gather and organize data? How can we represent data in graphs and line plots? How can we interpret graphs and line plots and draw conclusions about a data set?
Social Studies: We will study local government and citizenship. What does government do, and how is it structured? What are our rights as citizens? What are our responsibilities?