• 2024-2025 Open Enrollment for In District Students: February 5 - March 11, 2024

    Please complete our online interest form:2024-2025 ACS Pre-K Enrollment Interest Form

    Formulario De Interés En El Programa De Preescolar De Asheville City Schools: 2024-2025  

    For more information contact Polly Bolding: polly.bolding@acsgmail.net,  828.545.1646 

    Enrollment Options

    Children must be 3 or 4 as of August 31 to apply, and live in the Asheville City Schools district.  Pre-K 4s are prioritized for enrollment. Due to limited space, out of district enrollment will only be considered for ACS employees and children with siblings in ACS.  Preschool hours are 8:00-2:30 Monday-Friday, and classrooms follow the ACS calendar.

    Preschool Classrooms:

    Our Preschool classrooms blend the following enrollment options:

    NC Pre-K

    No-cost enrollment option for children who are 4 as of August 31 and meet eligibility guidelines:

    Family Size

    NC Pre-K Maximum Income









    Over-income applications may be considered for children with identified disabilities, developmental need, chronic health conditions, or limited English proficiency.

    Head Start

    No-cost enrollment option for children who are 4 by August 31 and meet eligibility requirements:

    Family Size

    Head Start Maximum Income









    Asheville City Schools is currently accepting Pre-K 4s in Head Start and NC Pre-K. Pre-K 3s who have childcare subsidy can apply for tuition enrollment via subsidy; Pre-K 3s receiving Exceptional Children's services can also be considered for placement in our Developmental Day slots through the EC department.


    Fee-based enrollment option for children who are not eligible for no-cost programs. Childcare subsidies are also accepted at all sites. Pre-K 4s are prioritized.

    Tuition Option 

    Monthly Fee*

    School Day (8:00-2:30)


    Full Day (7:30-4:30) (Asheville High, Hall Fletcher, Jones)


    ACS Staff 8 Hour Day (7:30-3:30)


    ACS Staff 9 Hour Day (7:30-4:30) (Asheville High, Hall Fletcher, Jones)


    *Tuition includes Afternoon Snack. Tuition families who do not qualify for Free or Reduced Lunch may purchase Breakfast and Lunch through the cafeteria or pack meals.  

    Meal Costs for Tuition Students

    Daily Cost / Average Monthly Cost 


    $1.50 / $31.50


    $3.25 / $68.25



    Total Cost to Tuition Families

    $4.75 / $99.75

    Summer Care may be offered based on grant funding.

    Enrollment Process

    Families who are interested in Preschool enrollment for 2024-2025 should complete the online Enrollment Interest Form during the open enrollment window, February 5-March 11.  Preschool capacity is limited and varies by location and enrollment option, as each classroom has designated spots for tuition and income-based programs.  Information received after the open enrollment window will be processed as received, based on capacity.

    Tuition assignments typically take place in late March, using a lottery process by site. The online Interest Form is all that is needed to consider children for Tuition enrollment.

    No-cost enrollment through Head Start and NC Pre-K require program-specific applications - click on each program for application forms and information.  Preschool staff will contact families who have submitted online Interest Forms about next steps for Head Start, NC Pre-K, and scholarship opportunities.  These assignments are typically made in June, pending approved Head Start and NC Pre-K applications. 

    If you have questions about eligibility or next steps, contact:

    Preschool Enrollment and Engagement Coordinator, Polly Bolding

    polly.bolding@acsgmail.net, 828.545.1646.