• What is Title I?

     Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) provides financial assistance to states and school districts to meet the needs of educationally at-risk students. Title I is committed to:

    • providing education opportunities for students in need of academic support in order to succeed, and
    • strengthening academic programs to boost achievement in student groups.   

    What is the purpose of Title I?

    The purpose of Title I Programming is to provide fair and equitable educational opportunities for all children, to support all children in obtaining a high-quality education, and to assist students in reaching grade -level proficiency on state and local academic achievement standards and assessments.

    What will Title I do for my child?

    The Title I program will provide your student with extra educational assistance beyond the regular classroom.

    How does our school receive Title I money? The goal of Title I

    Title I is a federal, formula-based program. Funding is given to schools based on student enrollment, the number of students who benefit from the School Nutrition Program, and input from stakeholders.  Schoolwide programs have 40% or more of students benefitting from the School Nutrition Program.  Schoolwide Programs may use Title I funding to upgrade their entire educational program for all students but particularly to enhance academic achievement for students needing additional academic support.