• Exceptional Children Department

    The Exceptional Children Department Programs provide students who have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) with opportunities for academic and elective success in the least restrictive environment.  Programming is based on a student-by-student basis, geared to the student’s specific needs in each classroom setting.  The majority of students in the program(s) are served in the regular classroom with support from Exceptional Children Department teachers and staff.

    Additional programs include the following:

    Occupational Course of Study (OCS) 

    Student enrollment in the Occupational Diploma Program provides students with school and community-based hands-on employment and job training. The program provides academic support and prepares the student for full time employment after graduation from high school. Students completing the program receive a North Carolina High School Diploma and leave high school with skills to enter the workplace. Students also can apply to attend a community college after graduation.

    English Requirements:

    1. English I
    2. English II
    3. English III
    4. English IV


    Science Requirements:

    Students Entering 9th grade prior to 2021-2022

    1. Applied Science
    2. Biology I 

    Students entering 9th grade in 2021-2022 and beyond

    1. Applied Science
    2. Biology I 
    3. Employment Preparation 1:Science (to include 150 work hours)

    Math Requirements:

    Students Entering 9th grade prior to 2021-2022

    1. Intro to Mathematics
    2. NC Math I
    3. Financial Management

    Students entering 9th grade in 2021-2022 and beyond

    1. Intro to Mathematics
    2. NC Math I
    3. Financial Management
    4. Employment Preparation IV: Math (to include 150 work hours)
    Social Studies Requirements:

    Students Entering 9th grade prior to 2020-2021

    1. American History I or American History II or American History 
    2. American History: Founding Principles, Civics and Economics or Founding Principles of the United States of America and North Carolina: Civic Literacy

    Students Entering 9th grade in 2020-2021

    1. Founding Principles, Civics and Economics or Founding Principles of the United States of America and North Carolina: Civic Literacy
    2. Economics and Personal Finance

    Students Entering 9th grade in 2021-2022

    1. Founding Principles of the United States of America and North Carolina: Civic Literacy
    2. Economics and Personal Finance
    3. Employment Preparation II: Citizenship 1A (to include 75 work hours)
    4. Employment Preparation II: Citizenship IB (to include 75 work hours)

    Employment Hours: *

    Students Entering 9th grade prior to 2021-2022

    1. 150 hours school based
    2. 225 unpaid community-based job training
    3. 225 paid competitive employment

    *paid competitive employment can substitute for unpaid & school based

    Students Entering 9th grade in 2021-2022

    1. Employment Preparation III: Citizenship II A (to include 75 work hours)
    2. Employment Preparation III: Citizenship II B (to include 75 work hours)

    The work hours included in Employment Preparation I, II, III, IV shall be as follows:

    1. 150 hours of school-based training work with activities and experiences that align with student's post school goals, and
    2. 225 hours of community-based training, and
    3. 225 hours of paid employment or 225 hours of unpaid vocational training, unpaid internship, paid employment at community rehabilitation facilities, and volunteer and/or community services hours.

    Students Entering 9th grade prior to 2021-2022

    Prep Courses: *

    Prep I (1 credit)

    Prep II (2 credits)

    Prep III (2 credits)

    Prep IV (1 credit)

    *if a student transfers into OCS graduation program, they can substitute these courses with electives as long as they have required unpaid or paid employment.


    Career Technical Education

    4 Courses

    Health and Physical Education

    9th Grade Health & PE

    Students are required to take all End of Course in courses in which there is such requirement (NC Math 1, Biology, English II).  These exams count as 20% of the student’s final grade.


    Extend Course of Study (Life Skills)

    Students are enrolled in the Life Skills program as a result of the IEP team’s decision.  Students enrolled in Extend Course of Study receive hands on support and modifications that provide the greatest opportunity for success. Successful completion of the program culminates with a North Carolina High School Graduation Certificate.

    English Requirements

    1. English/LA I
    2. English/LA II
    3. English/LA III
    4. English/LA IV

    Science Requirements

    1. Applied Science
    2. Biology A
    3. Biology B

    Students Entering 9th grade in 2021-2022

    1. Life Science
    2. Biology A
    3. Biology B

    Math Requirements

    1. NC Math 1A
    2. NC Math 1B
    3. Financial Management I 
    4. Financial Management II 

    Social Studies Requirements

    Students entering 9th grade prior to 2021-2022, any 3 of the following courses

    1. Civics and Governance I
    2. Civics and Governance II
    3. American History I
    4. American History II

    Students Entering 9th grade in 2021-2022

    1. Economics and Personal Finance
    2. And three of the following four courses:
      Civics and Governance I
      Civics and Governance II
      American History I
      American History II

    Elective Courses: 6 courses 

    Students Entering 9th grade prior to 2019-2020

    Any six elective courses which may include Prep I-IV

    Students Entering 9th grade starting in 2019-2020

    1. Minimum of two (2) and Maximum six (6) elective credits must come from Extended Content Elective Courses: Vocational Preparation and Health, Safety & Independent Living.
    2. Additional elective courses may come from Occupational Preparation I, II, III, IV or Career Technical Education elective.

    Students Entering 9th grade in 2021-2022

    Six elective credits, which shall be as follows:

    1. NC Vocational Preparation
    2. NC Health, Safety & Independent Living
    3. Four additional courses from Occupational Preparation and/or Career Technical Education

    Health and Physical Education

    One Health & PE course