School of Inquiry and Life Sciences at Asheville
Unity. Integrity. Engagement.
- School of Inquiry and Life Sciences at Asheville
- Career Technical Department
Course Catalog
Page Navigation
- Course Listing and Availability
- Introduction to SILSA
- Athletic Eligibility
- Vocational Rehabilitation Services
- Academically Intellectually Gifted Program
- Exceptional Children Department
- Graduation Requirements
- SILSA English Department
- SILSA Math Department
- SILSA Science Department
- SILSA Social Studies Department
- World Languages Department
- Career Technical Department
- AVID Department
- Arts Department
- Physical Education Department
- AB Tech Career & College Promise
- Online Courses (NCVPS)
- Credit by Demonstrated Mastery (CDM)
- ACS 6 Year Plan
- ACS Career Technical Clusters
- Advanced Placement Teachers 2023-2024
- Yearlong Course Options 2024-2025
- Class Rank Information
Career Technical Department
The Asheville City Schools Board of Education requires all students to earn at least one Career Technical credit prior to graduation.
If a student chooses Career Technical as their cluster/concentration area, then they must earn four (4) total credits in this area, including successful completion of one level II completer course as identified at the end of the applicable course descriptions and in Appendix B.
AB Tech Career Technical Education Course Offerings Taught on the AHS/SILSA Campus
Computer Integrated Machining Certificate Curriculum
The following six courses are taught in two series of three classes, one series per year. Each series is offered during one high school block and the first series (BPR111, MAC151, MEC110) must be completed before attempting the second series (MAC141, MAC142, MAC121). The second series (a.k.a. “Metals II) is taught in a year-long format, which means it will take up two of your eight allotted class selections. Each series of three classes is the equivalent of three college courses. The completion of all six classes can be applied toward A-B Tech’s Associate of Applied Science degree in Computer Integrated Machining.
Students wishing to take “Metals I” should sign up for the first course in that series (BPR111) and students that have completed the first series that wish to take “Metals II” should sign up for the first and second course in that series (MAC141 and MAC142). The other courses in the same series are added manually to student schedules by school staff.
Criminal Justice Certificate Curriculum
The following six courses are taught in two series of three classes. Each series is offered during one high school block in a single semester. Each series of three classes is the equivalent of three college courses (9 hours per semester). Following completion of all six classes (18 credit hours), the student receives a Criminal Justice Explorations Certificate, which can be applied toward A-B Tech’s Associate of Applied Science degree in Criminal Justice Technology.
Students wishing to take one or both series of these courses should sign up for the first course in the series they wish to take (CJC112 Criminology, CJC122 Community Policing, or both.) The other two courses in the same series are added manually to student schedules by school staff.