School of Inquiry and Life Sciences at Asheville
Unity. Integrity. Engagement.
- School of Inquiry and Life Sciences at Asheville
- Course Listing and Availability
Course Catalog
Page Navigation
- Course Listing and Availability
- Introduction to SILSA
- Athletic Eligibility
- Vocational Rehabilitation Services
- Academically Intellectually Gifted Program
- Exceptional Children Department
- Graduation Requirements
- SILSA English Department
- SILSA Math Department
- SILSA Science Department
- SILSA Social Studies Department
- World Languages Department
- Career Technical Department
- AVID Department
- Arts Department
- Physical Education Department
- AB Tech Career & College Promise
- Online Courses (NCVPS)
- Credit by Demonstrated Mastery (CDM)
- ACS 6 Year Plan
- ACS Career Technical Clusters
- Advanced Placement Teachers 2023-2024
- Yearlong Course Options 2024-2025
- Class Rank Information
Course Listing and Availability
Following is the complete Asheville City Schools course listing for students in grades 9-12.
A final exam or project will be worth 20% of a student’s final grade in all courses. Associated course costs should not be a barrier in selecting courses of interest. Contact your school counselor for assistance.
Click here for academic athletic eligibility information.
If you have questions about these requirements, please contact the Counseling Department for assistance.
Printable version of the catalog:
Please follow the steps below to search for courses:
1. Choose the school that you attend.
2. Choose the grade level for the courses that are registering for.
3. Choose a department. For more information about departments, see department pages to the left.
4. For yearlong hard-paired and menu classes, choose Yearlong under availability.*To see all available electives, choose your school and grade level then search for "elective" in the search bar.