• Community Service Opportunities


    City of Asheville Parks and Recreation

    Looking for volunteers to help organize an art display for their summer camp program for Asheville youth

    Contact Sam at 828-767-1263 or smarkowitz@ashevillenc.gov 


    Buncombe County Teen Court

    Volunteers needed ages 12-18

    Contact Jamie Willocks if interested: Jamielee@buncombealternatives.org or 828-707-2113

    Click here for flyer with info


    Asheville Parks & Recreation

    Several volunteer opportunities throughout the year.


    (828) 259-5800


    Big Brothers Big Sisters WNC

    Volunteers ages 16 and older are paired with a young person for fun activities one hour each week at the child’s after-school program site. Volunteers commit for at least two semesters.



    YMCA Leaders Club

    YMCA Leaders Club provides teens Grades 9th -12th with knowledge, training, communication skills and valuable team-building experience through volunteering in Y programs and the communities around them. Through student led expeditions and service, Leaders Club promotes Healthy Living, Social Responsibility, and Leadership Development. Leaders Club trains teens to better serve their community and the Y as they encourage each other to make a positive impact for present and future generations. You must have at least a 2.5 GPA and be willing to volunteer at least 75 hours a year with the YMCA or other community services.



    River Link

    A regional non-profit spearheading the economic and environmental revitalization of the French Broad River and its tributaries as a place to live, work, and play. Volunteers assist with special events and river clean-ups. 



    Carolina Mountain Land Conservancy

    Volunteers learn to identify and manage exotic invasive plants in Western North Carolina. Must attend workshops and training.



     Habitat for Humanity

    Volunteers are needed for a variety of tasks, including construction, sorting donations in the ReStore, and performing administrative duties. 



    YWCA of Asheville

    YWCA has a number of volunteer programs. Volunteers can tutor children, help in the Child Care Center, or assist with administrative duties.



    Asheville Community Theater

    ACT is a volunteer theatre. Volunteer orientations are held once per month. For more information, contact Chanda Calentine, chanda@ashevilletheatre.org.



    North Carolina Arboretum

    Students may volunteer to work in the gardens and on the trails, greet visitors at the information desks, and work in the greenhouse. Must be 16 or older. The Counselor in Training program accepts rising 9-12 graders to work in the summer camp program.



    Asheville GreenWorks

    Asheville GreenWorks depends on volunteers to help keep our environment “clean & green.” Volunteers perform tasks such as planting trees and participating in river clean-ups.



    MANNA FoodBank

    Volunteers are needed to work in the warehouse, sort goods, and distribute food.



    The POP Project

    The POP Project’s mission is to spread the power and possibilities of literacy through a greater access to books. Students may volunteer to collect and sort through book donations.
