Building Tomorrow Together: A Strategic Plan for Visionary Education in Asheville City Schools
Over the past 5-8 years, ACS has experienced significant change and transition, including superintendent changes, COVID-19 and most recently the devastating impacts of Hurricane Helene. Now more than ever, Asheville City Schools will need to chart a path forward to address both immediate short-term challenges and a long-term vision for schooling in Asheville.
To address this aim, Asheville City Schools (ACS) is in the early stages of launching a comprehensive strategic planning process. The goal of this strategic planning process is threefold:
- Create a comprehensive written strategic plan that outlines the following:
- A Vision for the Asheville City Schools
- The current conditions and shifts needed to meet the vision
- Identified educational strategies prioritized for action over several years
- Reciprocal accountability and communication plan
- To engage the ACS community (students, parents, business/industry, and community members at large) in a unifying planning process in which a multitude of voices and opinions are engaged.
- To build a plan based on a historical understanding of ACS's work, strengths, and growth areas, thus articulating a vision for moving forward that addresses past harms.
Join us February 1st for the Screening of Black in Asheville, a documentary that brings together Asheville residents and historians to recount Asheville’s Black history. This film, directed by Todd Gragg, takes us back to the Antebellum Period and demonstrates in accurate fashion what life was like for slaves in Asheville during the Civil War and through their transition to the Postbellum Period of Reconstruction, Jim Crow, and Black Code. The film will be followed by a Listening Session and Discussion.
Dr. Maggie Fehrman
Phone: (828) 350-6145
Tanya Presha
Special Assistant to the Superintendent
Phone: (828) 350-6168