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Remote Learning Inclement Weather Days

Asheville City Schools has the option to use remote learning strategies during inclement weather. Doing so means students can complete remote learning assignments on a "Snow Day" without interrupting the school calendar. Students and staff will not need to drive on icy roads, and we won't lose any instructional hours, so we can complete the school year on schedule.

Students in Kindergarten through 5th grade will complete activities from the "ACS Remote Learning Choice Board" for their grade level, one from each column per day. Details can be found on each choice board posted below. Students in Kindergarten through 5th Grade will turn in their choice board assignments on paper when they return to school.

Students in grades 6 through 12 will complete assignments via Canvas. Teachers will have Remote Learning lessons posted by 9 am for students to complete.

Kindergarten through 5th Grade Choice Boards

Tablero de elección de aprendizaje remoto de ACS