Facility Use
Requests to use a school facility by groups other than school-sponsored and school-related groups shall be made to the Principal of the applicable school by submitting a Facility Use Application and all relevant documentation and application fee to the site administrator’s office. The site administrator shall evaluate the request and determine if the activity conflicts with other uses and if necessary staffing can be provided. If the administrator believes the facility request can be accommodated, they will forward the Facility Use Application, the application fee, and all other relevant documentation to the Public Information Officer who will then approve or deny the application after consideration of the criteria set forth below. If approved, the signed Application will constitute the agreement between Asheville City Schools and the group and incorporate Board Policy 5030 and these Administrative Procedures 5030-P.
School-sponsored and school-related groups shall coordinate their use of school facilities with the site administrator (in most cases, the principal) of the desired facility. The site administrator whose facilities are involved will make a final decision and post all events to the district calendar so that the Public Information Officer is aware of all administrator-approved facility use. School-related groups such as PTO’s shall execute a Facility Use Agreement, Waiver of Liability and Assumption of Risk form with the principal at least on an annual basis that will cover the entire school year.
MLSchedules has updated the way you request a space on their website. They provided this video as a way to show the new method.
Click here to request ACS facilities usage.