Asheville City Schools
You Belong in ACS
- Asheville City Schools
- Inclement Weather
When there is inclement weather or other emergency situations, Asheville City Schools and offices will make every effort to protect the safety of staff, students, and families. As a result, schools and offices may need to close, delay opening, or dismiss early. The information in this email may not address every conceivable employee or student scenario. When questions arise, employees should consult with an immediate supervisor in accordance with ACS Policy 7550 Absences Due to Inclement Weather.
The Decision-Making Process
Our highest priority is the safety of staff and students. The ability of buses, staff members, student drivers, and walkers to travel safely is a significant factor in the decision to close schools. Particularly in instances of snow and ice, this involves the condition of sidewalks, school walkways, parking lots, neighborhood streets, local roadways, major thoroughfares, and interstate highways. Important note: A large majority of ACS employees commute from outside the city of Asheville, another significant factor in our ability to safely open schools during inclement weather.
When inclement weather is in the forecast, ACS leaders monitor the situation, often several days in advance. Leaders receive information and participate in discussions with state and local emergency management organizations. ACS often consults with neighboring school districts in an effort to demonstrate regional collaboration. The Superintendent receives a recommendation from the Executive Director of Operations, which takes into account factors including the weather forecast, current and future road conditions, the safety of school grounds, power outages, and internet access. The Superintendent makes a decision which is announced by the Executive Director of Operations and the Public Information Officer.
In the event of inclement weather, the district will designate a school day as one of the following:
2-hour delay
When a Two-Hour Delay is issued, all district schools will open their facilities two hours later than normal. Staff will report two hours later than their traditional arrival time. The Central Office will open at 10:00 AM.
Buses will begin routes two hours later than usual, and regular classes/instruction will commence two hours later than normal.
Remote Day for Inclement Weather (Not to Exceed 5 Days)
Remote Learning Days will count as instructional days, and the district will not have to make up for the missed day.
Students will participate in asynchronous remote learning. Students in grades K-5 will complete activities from their choice board which will be distributed to all students and posted on the district website. Students in grades 6-12 will complete asynchronous work assigned on Canvas that will be posted by 9 am that day. Students will have up to 5 days to complete assignments. Families with extenuating circumstances should contact the school principal.
Essential Workers: Custodial and Maintenance staff should report to work locations as designated by their supervisor. If an essential worker is unable to come to work, they will need to use an annual leave day or accrued leave.
Staff: Staff, including instructional assistants, not considered essential workers should work from home and complete sign-in procedures as communicated by your principal. Teachers at AMS, MNSA, and AHS/SILSA will post work on Canvas for students to complete asynchronously by 9am. All other teachers should communicate with students and families as needed to support student completion of choice board activities from home. Students should be marked present using “1R” in PowerSchool. Students who do not complete assigned work within 5 days should have attendance changed to 2A. Additional details are included in the attached ACS Inclement Weather Remote Days 2022-2023 document.
Bus drivers/TSAs/Child Nutrition Staff will not report to work and may use accrued leave.
Optional Teacher Work Day (OTWD) for Inclement Weather
Optional Teacher Work Days will not count as instructional days, and the district will have to make up the missed day.
Students will not participate in remote learning on a designated Optional Teacher Workday.
Essential Workers: Custodial and Maintenance workers should report to work locations as designated by their supervisor. If an essential worker is unable to come to work, they will need to use accrued leave.
Staff: School buildings will be open. All staff not considered essential workers may report to work or use accrued leave.
Bus drivers/TSAs/Child Nutrition Staff will not report to work and may use accrued leave.
Annual Leave (AL) Day
Annual Leave Days will not count as instructional days, and the district will have to make up the missed day.
Students will not participate in remote learning on designated Annual Leave Days.
Essential Workers: Custodial and Maintenance workers should report to work locations as designated by their supervisor. If an essential worker is unable to come to work, they will need to use accrued leave.
Staff: 10-month staff must take annual leave. 11/12-month staff may work or take leave with supervisor permission, depending on road conditions.
Other information to know:Facilities/Maintenance /Custodial Employees- In any closing, delay, early dismissal, or other emergency event, facilities/maintenance/
custodial employees may be identified as essential personnel who are subject to being called in or staying on-site. This requires employees to ensure that school facilities are ready for use by all staff and students following an emergency. Questions should be directed to the employee's immediate supervisor.
Cancellation of Extracurricular Activities/Athletics/Events/After School Care - When schools are closed or dismissed early due to inclement weather or other emergency situations, all field trips, athletic events, after-school and evening activities are canceled and/or postponed to a later date.
- In rare cases, exceptions (sometimes related to regional or state events/activities/athletics) may be approved by the Superintendent or designee when conditions indicate transportation and facility access can safely occur. These exceptions would be made on a case-by-case basis.
- Generally speaking, if school is closed, then after-school care is closed as well. However, there may be rare instances when schools close or dismiss early, but after-school care will still accept and serve students.
Community Usage of School Facilities- When schools are closed or dismissed early due to inclement weather or other emergency situations, community usage of school facilities is also canceled and/or postponed to a later date when schools reopen.
ACS Inclement Weather Remote Day Instructional Plan 2022-2023
In general, it is the goal of Asheville City Schools to make these decisions as early as possible so that staff, students, and families can plan around them. This will usually mean ACS decisions, if possible, are made in the late afternoon or early evening prior to a potential closing, delay, or early dismissal. -