Asheville High School
Educating all students for Productive Citizenship, Lifelong Learning, and Personal Fulfillment
- Asheville High School
- Athletic Eligibility
Course Catalog
Page Navigation
- Course Listing and Availability
- Introduction to Asheville High School
- AHS Freshman Experience (FX)
- Athletic Eligibility
- Vocational Rehabilitation Services
- Academically Intellectually Gifted Program
- Exceptional Children Department
- Graduation Requirements
- AHS English Department
- AHS Math Department
- AHS Science Department
- AHS Social Studies Department
- World Languages Department
- Career Technical Department
- AVID Department
- Arts Department
- Physical Education Department
- AB Tech Career & College Promise
- Online Courses (NCVPS)
- Credit by Demonstrated Mastery (CDM)
- ACS 6 Year Plan
- ACS Career Technical Clusters
- Advanced Placement Teachers 2023-2024
- Yearlong Course Options 2023-2024
- Class Rank Information
Student's Academic Eligibility is determined by the guidelines below as set forth by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association. Specifications are provided below:
All students must also meet local promotion standards, set by the LEA and/or the local school. A minimum load is defined as five courses in the traditional school schedule and three courses for schools on the “block” format. If the school is on an A/B form of block scheduling, a student must pass six of eight courses during what would traditionally be defined as a semester. Any student, including seniors, must pass that minimum load, even if they need fewer for graduation.
BLOCK: pass three courses (minimum load, 90-minute classes)
A/B: pass six courses